Status: Shipping to Customers
- Please check our updates page for the latest news regarding the January.
- The keyboard is currently shipping to customers. If you have received your board, feel free to share a build picture to our server!
The January is a 60% o-ring mounted keyboard featuring accentuated curves and a copper weight. We originally designed the board to test some aesthetic choices, most notably the gentle side sweep with a rounded front and back. The weight engraving was done by kitkat.
- Layout: 60%
- Mounting Style: Gummy O-Ring
- Typing Angle: 6 Degrees
- Front Height: 20.25 mm without feet
- Case Materials: Aluminum, Polycarbonate
- Anodized Aluminum Colors: Crimson, Steel Blue, Silver
- Polycarbonate Finishes: Frosted, Smoked
- Plate Options: 1.5 mm Aluminum, 1.5 mm Polycarbonate, 1.5 mm Carbon Fiber, 1.5 mm FR4
- PCB Options: 1.6 mm Hotswap, 1.6 mm Solder, compatible with the H60 PCB
- Weight: Sandblasted Copper with Clear Coat
PCB Options and Layouts
Verified Compatible PCBs (Ongoing)
- Original January Hotswap and Solder PCBs
- Hiney H60 (JST)
- Waffling60
- SNOP60 (v2 with H60 cutouts)
- SST60
Groupbuy Information
- Sale Period: November 7th, 2022 - December 20th, 2022
- Vendors:
- US: KeebsForAll
- Canada: Deskhero
- EU: Candykeys
- Asia: ZionStudios
- Oceania: SwitchKeys
- Sale Format: First Come First Served with an Undisclosed Soft Cap
Configurations and Pricing
- Base Kit ($295 for smoked polycarbonate and $270 for all other materials, colors, and finishes) includes and allows you to select from the following:
- Materials, Colors, and Finishes:
- Crimson Anodized Aluminum
- Steel Blue Anodized Aluminum
- Silver Anodized Aluminum
- Frosted Polycarbonate
- Smoked Polycarbonate
- Copper Weight
- Aluminum Plate
- 50A Durometer O-Ring
- Feet
- Necessary Hardware
- Materials, Colors, and Finishes:
- Extras (sold separately):
- Plates:
- Aluminum Plate: $28
- Polycarbonate Plate: $28
- FR4 Plate: $28
- Carbon Fiber Plate: $32
- PCBs:
- Solder PCB: $40
- Hotswap PCB: $45
- Wrist Rests:
- Frosted Polycarbonate with Copper Weight: $160
- Smoked Polycarbonate with Copper Weight: $175
- Plates:
- Note: All pricing is in USD, regional pricing may vary
Above photo courtesy of Nick the Lard